Quick-Start Guide & Manual
Underwater drone on-boarding project summary:
Customers showed frustration with dive delay and some minor misuse when trying to dive trident for the first time. Lack of manual documentation was also barrier for support ticket resolution as support agents didn’t have appropriate documentation to point users to.
Customers showed frustration with dive delay and some minor misuse when trying to dive trident for the first time. Lack of manual documentation was also barrier for support ticket resolution as support agents didn’t have appropriate documentation to point users to.
I led the redesign of a new enjoyable & efficient on-boarding experience for the drone by utilizing existing packaging & Android software constraints. This offering resulted in a major decrease in customer support inquires, and ticket touch times.
The new manual and quick-start guide were designed for print and are also available
on Sofar Trident's support website here:
on Sofar Trident's support website here:

My role in design:
Experience Designer | OpenROV (now known as Sofar Ocean Technologies)
Experience Designer | OpenROV (now known as Sofar Ocean Technologies)
+ Led a lean design research sprint using human-centered design methodologies
+ Analyzed user data with post-its, Mural and Lucid Charts software to collaborate with teams
+ Created customer personas using SketchbookPro to facilitate usability understanding across teams
+ Provided all design assets via Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign
+ Provided presentations in Power point and Keynote
+ Created and implemented review processes to connect all stakeholders with documentation

Check out the projects below that were a result from research on this project!